The Mylne Trust

UK Registered Charity No. 208074



This charity exists “for the benefit of persons of either sex who are, or have been, engaged in evangelistic work, including retired missionaries or missionaries still engaged as such or continuing Christian workers”.

Under this description, grants are awarded to individuals towards their personal living expenses in undertaking Christian outreach projects, for periods of training for Christian ministry and outreach and to retired persons whose lives have included Christian evangelistic work. Under the terms of its original endowment, the trust is only permitted to support Christian workers from Protestant denominations.

Applications for Grants

The trust has reviewed and, in 2013, changed its policy and procedure for making grants. Most grants are now being handled with partners already in Christian mission work. (Applications based on earlier procedures, using the old application forms, will no longer be considered by the trust.)


Worldwide except Africa

In principle, the only grant applications that will be considered by direct application to the trust are those from candidates for mission work who are studying or planning to study within the UK. Such applicants are invited to contact the Clerk to the Mylne Trust at requesting a current application form.



There are special arrangements for applicants who are based in Africa.

Applicants who are based and studying in Africa can apply via the Mylne Trust’s partner CMS-Africa by contacting Mercy Chesebe as follows:


Post to: CMS-Africa, PO Box 40360-00100NairobiKenya


CMS- Africa Telephone: +254 703449089


Telephone: +254 20 2138242

Cell Phone: +254 7226 95693

Applications via CMS-Africa are processed in two annual batches. The timetable for these is as follows:





Batch 1

1 January to 31 July

by 31 October

December or January

Batch 2

1 August to 31 December

by April

May or June


Unsuccessful applicants will be notified at the same time as the approvals are advised. Notifications will be by email to the applicants.


Trustees’ Discretion

Please note that the trustees have total discretion in the making of grants and will not enter into any kind of correspondence or discussion about the reasons awards are made or refused.


Data Protection & Privacy

To conform with recent changes to the law on data protection and privacy arising from the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union, the Mylne Trust has adopted the following statements and policies, as laid out in the papers below:

·         Data Protection Policy – click here

·         Privacy Statement – click here

Applicants to the Mylne Trust are urged to read these papers before making their applications.



Site updated Friday, 08 June, 2018